The Musical Origins of Language
Deep History Without music life would be a mistake. – Nietzsche The psychoanalyst Ehrenzweig commented: It is not unreasonable to speculate that speech and music …
Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness
When we think of mindfulness it can often be overwhelming. “What is it? How do I do it? I don’t have the time.” Like many …
How Does Exercise Improve Mental Health
Exercise and mental health go hand in hand however, they are not mutually exclusive. You can still suffer from mental health problems as a regular …
How To Improve Mental Health In The Workplace?
Mental health in the workplace is not a myth, it is not something that has been sesnationalised, rather, something that has been realised. Workplace mental …
The Importance Of Understanding Mental Health And Wellbeing
Often, when we hear someone is stressed or suffering from mental health issues we recommend that they look after their wellbeing. We suggest meditation, therapy, …
Tips On How To Improve Your Mental Health
We have all been affected by mental health issues at some point in our lives. If we have not experienced it yet ourselves…